For everyone

Neue Thing is a primarily donor-funded non-profit and we strive to make all materials accessible to everyone who wishes to participate.

Our lifelong journey to faith in Jesus Christ is filled with seasons of everything from trial and hardship to triumph and victory. In Found on My Knees, we will study themes of surrender, trust, faith, obedience, and more. Let us become women who are found on our knees at the feet of Jesus in passionate pursuit of Him.

Course curriculum

  • 1
    • Welcome to Found on My Knees!
  • 2
    Week 1
    • Found on My Knees: Week 1 Video
  • 3
    Week 2
    • Week 2 Video
  • 4
    Week 3
    • Week 3 Video
  • 5
    Week 4
    • Week 4 Video
  • 6
    Week 5
    • Week 5 Video
  • 7
    Week 6
    • Week 6 Video